1 Public Class FrmCatITEMADD
2     Dim stockID
3     Private Sub cmdcancel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdcancel.Click
4         Me.Close()
5     End Sub
7     Private Sub cmdSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSave.Click
8         Dim msg As String, msgERR As String
9         Dim tmp_barcode As Integer
10         Dim duplicate_barcode As Boolean
11         Dim duplicate_item_number As Boolean
13         msg =
"Please Complete The Following " & Chr(10) & " --------------------------- "
14         msgERR = msg
15         If txtname.Text =
"" Then
16             msg = msg & Chr(
10) & " Item Name : < Should not be blank >"
17         End If
18         If txtdesc.Text =
"" Then
19             msg = msg & Chr(
10) & " Item Description : < Should not be blank > "
20         End If
21         If cmbUnit.Text =
"" Then
22             msg = msg & Chr(
10) & " Item Measure : < Should not be blank > "
23         End If
24         If Not IsNumeric(txtbarcode.Text) Then
25             msg = msg & Chr(
10) & " Barcode: < Should be numeric >"
26         End If
28         If Not IsNumeric(txtreorder.Text) Then
29             msg = msg & Chr(
10) & " Reorder Point: < Should be numeric >"
30         End If
32         If Not IsNumeric(txtprice.Text) Then
33             msg = msg & Chr(
10) & " Price : < Should be numeric >"
34         End If
36         If Len(txtbarcode.Text) <
4 Then
37             msg = msg & Chr(
10) & " Barcode : < Barcode minimum length should be 4 >"
38         End If
39         If msg <> msgERR Then
40             MsgBox(msg, MsgBoxStyle.Information,
"Sales and Inventory")
41             Exit Sub
42         End If
43         If Len(txtbarcode.Text) >
13 Then
44             MsgBox(
"Barcode length should not be lower than 13 !! ", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Sales and Inventory")
45             Exit Sub
46         End If
47         If Split(Me.Text,
" - ")(1) = "Edit" Then
48             sqlSTR =
"SELECT * FROM TBL_Category_Item_File WHERE Item_ID =" & txtID.Text
49             ExecuteSQLQuery(sqlSTR)
50             tmp_barcode = sqlDT.Rows(
51             If R_Change(sqlDT.Rows(
0)("Item_Description")) = txtdesc.Text Then
52                 duplicate_item_number = False
53             Else
54                 sqlSTR =
"SELECT * FROM TBL_Category_Item_File WHERE Item_Description ='" & txtdesc.Text & "'"
55                 ExecuteSQLQuery(sqlSTR)
56                 If sqlDT.Rows.Count >
0 Then
57                     MsgBox(
"Item Number Already Exist !!", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Sales and Inventory")
58                     duplicate_item_number = True
59                     Exit Sub
60                 Else
61                     duplicate_item_number = False
62                 End If
63             End If
65             If tmp_barcode = txtbarcode.Text Then
66                 duplicate_barcode = False
67             Else
'Find if barcode already exist
69                 sqlSTR =
"SELECT * FROM TBL_Category_Item_File WHERE Item_Barcode =" & txtbarcode.Text
70                 ExecuteSQLQuery(sqlSTR)
71                 If sqlDT.Rows.Count >
0 Then
72                     MsgBox(
"Barcode Already Exist !!", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Sales and Inventory")
73                     duplicate_barcode = True
74                     Exit Sub
75                 Else
76                     duplicate_barcode = False
77                 End If
78             End If
79             If Not duplicate_barcode And Not duplicate_item_number Then
80                 sqlSTR =
"UPDATE tbl_Category_Item_File SET Item_Name ='" & R_eplace(txtname.Text) & "', " _
81                                                                     & 
"Item_Description ='" & Replace(txtdesc.Text, "'", "") & "', " _
82                                                                     & 
"Item_Barcode =" & txtbarcode.Text & ", " _
83                                                                     & 
"Item_Reorder_Point =" & txtreorder.Text & ", " _
84                                                                     & 
"Item_Org_Price =" & CDbl(txtprice.Text) & ", " _
85                                                                     & 
"Unit_Measure='" & cmbUnit.Text & "', " _
86                                                                     & 
"Item_Price =" & CDbl(txtprice.Text) + (CDbl(txtprice.Text) * (VAT / 100)) _
87                                                                     & 
" WHERE Item_ID =" & Int(Split(stockID, "x")(1))
88                 ExecuteSQLQuery(sqlSTR)
89                 Audit_Trail(xUser_ID, TimeOfDay,
"Edit Item File List")
90             End If
92         Else
94             sqlSTR =
"SELECT * FROM TBL_Category_Item_File WHERE Item_Description ='" & txtdesc.Text & "'"
95             ExecuteSQLQuery(sqlSTR)
96             If sqlDT.Rows.Count >
0 Then
97                 MsgBox(
"Item Number Already Exist !!", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Sales and Inventory")
98                 Exit Sub
99             End If
101             sqlSTR =
"SELECT * FROM TBL_Category_Item_File WHERE Item_Barcode =" & txtbarcode.Text
102             ExecuteSQLQuery(sqlSTR)
103             If sqlDT.Rows.Count >
0 Then
104                 MsgBox(
"Barcode Already Exists !!!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Sales and Inventory")
105                 Exit Sub
106             End If
108             sqlSTR =
"INSERT INTO tbl_Category_Item_File (Catg_ID, Item_Name, Item_Description, Item_Barcode, Item_Reorder_Point, Item_Org_Price, Unit_Measure, Item_Price) VALUES(" & stockID & ", " _
109                                         & 
"'" & R_eplace(txtname.Text) & "', " _
110                                         & 
"'" & Replace(txtdesc.Text, "'", "") & "', " _
111                                         & txtbarcode.Text &
", " _
112                                         & txtreorder.Text &
", " _
113                                         & CDbl(txtprice.Text) &
", " _
114                                         & 
"'" & cmbUnit.Text & "', " _
115                                         & CDbl(txtprice.Text) + (CDbl(txtprice.Text) * (VAT /
100)) & ")"
116             ExecuteSQLQuery(sqlSTR)
117             Audit_Trail(xUser_ID, TimeOfDay,
"Add New Item File List")
118         End If
120         MsgBox(
"Record Successfuly Update !", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Sales and Inventory")
121         If UCase(globalFRM) = UCase(
"frmcatitemlist") Then
122             FillListView(ExecuteSQLQuery(
"SELECT Item_ID as 'Item ID', replace(Replace(Item_Name,'$.$',''''),'$..$',',') as 'Item Name', Item_Description as 'Description / Item Number', Item_Barcode as 'Barcode', Item_Reorder_Point as 'Reorder Point', Unit_Measure as 'Measure', Item_Price as 'Price' FROM tbl_Category_Item_File WHERE Catg_ID =" & FrmCatITEMList.lstCategory.FocusedItem.Text & " ORDER BY Item_Name"), FrmCatITEMList.lstItems, 1)
123         ElseIf UCase(globalFRM) = UCase(
"frmcatitemlist2") Then
124             FillListView(ExecuteSQLQuery(
"SELECT Item_ID as 'Item ID', replace(Replace(Item_Name,'$.$',''''),'$..$',',') as 'Item Name', Item_Description as 'Description / Item Number', Item_Barcode as 'Barcode', Item_Reorder_Point as 'Reorder Point', Unit_Measure as 'Measure', Item_Price as 'Price' FROM tbl_Category_Item_File WHERE Catg_ID =" & FrmCatList.lstCategory.FocusedItem.Text & " ORDER BY Item_Name"), FrmCatList.lstItems, 1)
125         Else
126             FillListView(ExecuteSQLQuery(
"SELECT Item_ID as 'ID', Catg_ID as 'Category ID', replace(Replace(Item_Name,'$.$',''''),'$..$',',') as 'Name', Item_Description as 'Description', Item_Barcode as 'Barcode', Item_Reorder_Point as 'Reorder Point', Item_Price as 'Price', Unit_Measure as 'Measure' FROM TBL_Category_Item_File ORDER BY Item_Name"), FrmCatList.lstCat, 1)
' FillListView(ExecuteSQLQuery("SELECT Item_ID as 'ID', Catg_ID as 'Category ID', Item_Name as 'Name', Item_Description as 'Description', Item_Barcode as 'Barcode', Item_Reorder_Point as 'Reorder Point', Unit_Measure as 'Measure', Item_Price as 'Price' FROM TBL_Category_Item_File"), FrmCatList.lstCat, 1)
128         End If
129         Me.Close()
130     End Sub
132     Private Sub FrmCatITEMADD_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
133         Me.Text =
134     End Sub
136     Private Sub FrmCatITEMADD_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Dim i As Integer
138         stockID = globalID
139         FILLComboBox2(
"SELECT ID, Description FROM TBL_Unit_Measure", cmbUnit)
140         If Split(Me.Text,
" - ")(1) = "Edit" Then
141             sqlSTR =
"SELECT * FROM tbl_Category_Item_File WHERE Item_ID =" & Split(stockID, "x")(1)
142             ExecuteSQLQuery(sqlSTR)
143             If sqlDT.Rows.Count >
0 Then
144                 txtID.Text = sqlDT.Rows(
145                 txtname.Text = R_Change(sqlDT.Rows(
146                 txtdesc.Text = R_Change(sqlDT.Rows(
147                 txtbarcode.Text = sqlDT.Rows(
148                 txtreorder.Text = sqlDT.Rows(
149                 txtprice.Text = Format(sqlDT.Rows(
0)("Item_Org_Price"), "###,###.00")
150                 cmbUnit.Text = sqlDT.Rows(
' For i = 0 To cmbUnit.Items.Count - 1
' If cmbUnit.Items.Count > 0 Then
' If Split(cmbUnit.Items(i), " - ")(1) = sqlDT.Rows(0)("Unit_Measure") Then
' cmbUnit.Text = cmbUnit.Items(i)
' End If
' End If
' Next
158             End If
159         Else
160             txtID.Text =
161             txtname.Text =
162             txtdesc.Text =
163             txtbarcode.Text =
164             txtreorder.Text =
'cmbUnit.Text = sqlDT.Rows(0)("ID") & " - " & sqlDT.Rows(0)("Description")
166         End If
167     End Sub
169     Private Sub txtreorder_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtreorder.TextChanged
170         txtreorder.Text = str_Filter(txtreorder,
48, 57, 0, 0)
171     End Sub
173     Private Sub txtbarcode_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtbarcode.TextChanged
174         txtbarcode.Text = str_Filter(txtbarcode,
48, 57, 0, 0)
175     End Sub
177     Private Sub txtprice_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtprice.TextChanged
178         txtprice.Text = str_Filter(txtprice,
48, 57, 46, 1)
179         If txtprice.Text =
"0" Or txtprice.Text = "" Then txtprice.Text = "1"
180     End Sub
182     Private Sub txtdesc_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtdesc.TextChanged
183         txtdesc.Text = filter_Special_Char(str_Filter(txtdesc,
48, 122, 32, 50))
184     End Sub
186     Private Sub txtname_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtname.TextChanged
'txtItemName.Text = filter_Special_Char(str_Filter(txtItemName, 39, 122, 32, 40))
188         txtname.Text = filter_Special_Char(str_Filter(txtname,
34, 122, 32, 50))
189     End Sub
190 End Class

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